Earlier this spring season are the entire year for some social gatherings away from class mates

Earlier this spring season are the entire year for some social gatherings away from class mates


Phi Epsilon Pi stored a micro-reunion having brothers regarding categories away from 1968–72 towards April twenty two. forty-five dudes attended case in the Cornell Club–Nyc, along with 7 of your classmates: Draw Katz, Ken Scratches, Joe Petrone, David Robinson, Ken Werker, Jay Goodwin, Gary Koslow, DVM ’74, and Joe Milano. Some of the Phi Eps married female about Family of ’71, therefore a team of female went to the newest beverage lobby on beginning of the night before going out to possess good “girls” restaurants. The fresh wives was basically Linda Germaine-Miller, Sandi Taylor Eisenstein, Arlene Rosenfeld Schenker, and you may Gilda Klein Linden. Elaine Chasen Garrod ’70, Beth Shapiro Stroul, and you will Laurie Eisenstein Gottlieb ’72 along with entered the fresh new girls’ dining.

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A released version is within the Merry Medley or a christmas-Field having Gay Gallants and Good Companions , II, 1745

A released version is within the Merry Medley or a christmas-Field having Gay Gallants and Good Companions , II, 1745

And end so it theire maske New foole the father did hold upon their backe into the haste no further would it tarry they rode rapidly

[And you can Bels? from all of them slip new bawde & Woman ran Unto the brand new hospitall Byth’ divel thither sent good pox of all of the]

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