He discussed Nina as the a social butterfly exactly who hid an underlying feature off deceit

He discussed Nina as the a social butterfly exactly who hid an underlying feature off deceit

OAKLAND – Nina Reiser is not necessarily the earth’s greatest mom; she’s a pushy and you may deceptive post-acquisition fiance whom put their own estranged husband, Hans Reiser, to achieve United states citizenship, security attorney William DuBois said Thursday day throughout his starting comments.

With an image of Nina Reiser’s categorized offer in the a post-acquisition bride-to-be list towards monitor, Japanilainen naisten pГ¤ivГ¤määrГ¤t DuBois attacked Deputy Region Lawyer Paul Hora’s image of Nina due to the fact a compassionate, dedicated mommy saying it absolutely was just that: An image.

“She liked so you’re able to enterprise the picture the newest prosecution enjoys set prior to you,” DuBois told you, directing to help you a portrait Hora got developed before this new jury appearing Nina and her baby child Rory. “The true Nina Reiser is but one getting represented here from the which Eu Connectivity mag.”

Meanwhile, he said, Hans Reiser are an “egotistical maniac” who’s a stone star in the world of computer-programming, but someone who are emptiness out-of societal skills and always with the the edge of paranoia.

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