Moving into the Presidential Mansion in Philadelphia

Moving into the Presidential Mansion in Philadelphia

Just after leaving Install Vernon once more, George and you may Martha Arizona and her two youngest grandchildren move into their new household from inside the Philadelphia toward early morning regarding November 27. Our home are hired from financier Robert Morris.

Charles Willson Peale’s Shed Portrait of one’s Very first Woman

In the 1st 1 / 2 of the year, Charles Willson Peale shows a small portrait from Martha Washington getting one of their particular granddaughters. The modern venue of the job is unknown.

Checking out Trenton

Martha Arizona, followed closely by their own a few youngest grandkids, and her housemaid, log off Philadelphia into morning regarding Can get seventeenth to see General Philemon Dickinson within the Trenton; they are going to come back toward nineteenth, immediately following finishing in the act in the annual fair in Bristol, Pennsylvania.

Archibald Robertson’s Portraits

Scottish musician Archibald Robertson completes a collection of watercolor to the ivory tiny portraits away from George and you will Martha Arizona to the January 11th. Into the a verbal malfunction of your own Very first Lady, Robertson states their own “simple, shiny and you can common gayety, and ceaseless cheerfulness.” Men and women portraits are now owned by Brand new Colonial Williamsburg Basis.

Death of George Augustine Washington

Martha’s niece, Fanny, is actually widowed when their own spouse, George Augustine Arizona, ultimately succumbs so you’re able to tuberculosis within the March; the woman is leftover having around three young children.

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