Brooks (Buttrick) paperwork, 1891, along with undated; volumes from the Brooks loved ones collection, 1815-1828 (publication times; one or two inscriptions 1835)

Brooks (Buttrick) paperwork, 1891, along with undated; volumes from the Brooks loved ones collection, 1815-1828 (publication times; one or two inscriptions 1835)

Show malfunction: Show includes Nathan Brooks and you can Brooks relatives personal documentation, 1777-1917: Nathan Brooks private files, 1777-1862; Mary Merrick Brooks communication, 1819-1863; Franklin Brooks files, 1854-1857; Caroline Downes Brooks (Hoar) records, 1817, 1837; George Merrick Brooks paperwork, 1840-1893; Brooks documentation, 1891-1917; Mary D.

Libby; Levi Lincoln; Augustus Merrick; Francis J

Nathan Brooks’s personal files are: telecommunications, 1801-1862, consisting mostly off characters to Nathan Brooks with many because of the him interfiled (characters registered in two sequences, one-generally longer interaction-install alphabetically by names off correspondents and inside private correspondent files of the time, additional establish entirely chronologically); product, 1825-1844, produced by Brooks’s political issues (such as for example their Whig involvements, included in this his service given that an organizer off and treasurer for July next Whig festivals inside Concord for the 1840 and you will 1844); circulars and you can observes in accordance with alumni and Overseer facts within Harvard, 1836-1838; data files, 1823-1840, relating to Brooks’s custody regarding their child Caroline’s heredity from their own mommy and his handling of her shares on the The brand new England Mug Business; assets files (apartments and you may deeds for real property during the Concord and you can Lincoln and you may you to definitely woodlot survey quantifying pine and you will pine info towards the Fairhaven Mountain during the Concord), 1824-1855; manuscript Brooks relatives genealogical postings (undated; that contains birth, matrimony, and you will dying suggestions regarding 1755 in order to 1831); miscellaneous manuscript factors, 1777, also undated, as well as a good 1777 commissary certificate to possess Col. [Eleazer] Brooks, a drink menu, recommendations having potato planting, and you will “Description off Group that leftover Silver Ware . . .

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