Financial pressures and you can incapacity of parents to generally meet basic needs

Financial pressures and you can incapacity of parents to generally meet basic needs

  • One women gynecologist who food Syrian refugees

Once offering their concur, respondents was in fact expected some piloted semi-structured inquiries. One interview are held during the English in addition to remaining portion of the interviews was used in the Arabic. The size of interview ranged ranging from forty-five minute and sixty min.

Respondents was in fact inquired about the most famous products against adolescent Syrian ladies in Lebanon, customs and you will norms per ong Syrian refugees, in addition to head factors and you can effects from child matrimony.

The fresh new in the-depth interview was used both within place of work of the people otherwise at their residence. The companies we approached agreed to participate and you may not one out of them dropped aside.

Investigation data

All interviews and you will FGDs were transcribed verbatim by the research secretary. Thematic research was utilized to have study research, following the Clarke and you can Braun’s six phase from thematic analysis; familiarization, coding, looking templates, evaluating templates, determining and naming templates and creating up .

One of several detectives paid attention to the newest interview loads of times listing first thoughts. From the second step, an over-all codebook is made according to head domains of query plus the transcribed du kan kolla här research is rearranged and you will described based on new detailed requirements. About step three, sub-layouts produced from the latest conclusions were recognized in which repeated themes across the 3 categories of interviewees had been created according to the involved head layouts. Eventually, relevant prices was in fact interpreted into the English.

The new authors were not able so you can verify new results toward respondents, as the no direct identifiers out of people was basically acquired.

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