Lloyd done a form of this tune into the a recording ‘English Drinking Songs’ Riverside RLP twelve- 618, from the 1960

Lloyd done a form of this tune into the a recording ‘English Drinking Songs’ Riverside RLP twelve- 618, from the 1960

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Five Drunken Maidens

There was four drunken maidens originated in the newest Isle regarding light It drank regarding munday morning right up until friday in the evening before it will give out in addition to five drunken maidens should have the almost every other fight

T]hen from inside the appeared peggy sanders She is because the brisk just like the bloom C]ome stand in the five and you may mecke personally some room unwell feel value my personal seat prior to I will reveal to you and you will the brand new five drunken maidens shall have the most other fight

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Nar bagg tackar jada bestammer man ett dejt inom sju dagar

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